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Don’t shout at the telly – build a movement

Jamie Driscoll | Published on 8/26/2024

The far-right riots show that there is still much to be done in the struggle against racism. 
It has been a terrifying few weeks in Britain. Especially for our Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Jewish siblings, those seeking refuge and asylum in this country and anyone who does not fit the far-right's definition of a valid English citizen.  

The riots, ignited by online disinformation, exposed the simmering resentment that has been stoked and exploited over decades by elements in our press, politics and commentariat.

But the response from our communities has been incredibly heartening. Clean up teams in Sunderland, Hartlepool and Middlesbrough. Thousands out defending asylum services and holding rallies across the country last week, including in Newcastle. 

A sense of hope has been restored but the far-right are still stoking hated and division on social media and elsewhere.  We need to continue to build stronger, integrated, respectful communities and tackle the lies and hate being spread under the guise of 'legitimate concerns'. 

As part of our plan to build a progressive movement in the North East, we will be delivering a programme of political education events. Join us for the first one on Thurs 22 Aug. 


These are interactive, fun, and tackle difficult questions head-on with the truth.  We check the facts.  We look at techniques for effective argument rather than shouting people down.  And we address the real legitimate concerns of wealth inequality and under investment in public services. 


We build on the wisdom of our movement and crowd source the answers.  If you have something to say, or just want to hear the wisdom of others, I’d love you to come along. 


It’s £5 payable on the door, or free if you are a current supporter/member. If you want to sign-up to be a regular supporter, you will get free access to all our future political education events and training programmes. Just click here.

Either way you will need to register here to secure your spot. Hopefully see you on Thurs 22 Aug!  
All the best,

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