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A new political movement is happening

Jamie Driscoll | Published on 9/22/2024

Last Sunday I met with dozens of others about setting up a new political party.  Details of the meeting were leaked to the Guardian, and weren’t very accurate. 


There was a lot of healthy caution.  A recognition that new parties struggle under first-past-the-post.  Agreement that we don’t need another top-down party based in Westminster.  That genuine representation of the people requires the people to be involved. 


It will be built from the ground up, not the top down.  Groups across the country want to come together and support each other. 


I spoke about Majority.  There was enthusiastic support.  We’re some way ahead of most places, and people from as far away as Wales and the South coast want to come with us. 


The journey into political activism requires bravery and commitment.  The only way we’ll get a government that looks after people is with a political movement that looks after people.  Our movement is built on plurality and respect.  We’ll support alliances of progressive candidates to bypass our first-past-the-post system. 


Majority’s core values are published on our new website.  Poll after poll shows the overwhelming majority of Britons agree with us.  


Majority will put power back in the hands of the people. We’ll run a programme of political education events, ranging from reading groups to interactive workshops.  Where you can talk about politics and develop your own ideas. 


Like our movement, the website will grow with new content and tools added all the time, with the power for individuals and groups to organise and share their ideas.  We’ll empower members by cutting out pointless bureaucracy.


We’ll run a candidate training programme to support a new generation of competent and compassionate political leaders. We’ll support our members to win elections with campaigning know-how and infrastructure. 


This is not just about political leaders. We’ll nurture growth throughout the movement.  Whether you want to learn basic graphic design or hone your public speaking skills.


We will win power and improve our communities by working together and always searching for the common ground.  We will stand and win in local government, regional government, and build to win seats at the next General Election. 


You can join Majority today.  And you can book your ticket to our inaugural conference on Saturday 28th September in Newcastle, 11am to 3pm. 

It's happening now.  You can be part of it from the beginning.   

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