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A New Politics Based on Truth

Jamie Driscoll | Published on 9/26/2024

In the Mayoral election campaign, one seven word sentence got more cut through than anything else.  “In 5 years, I’ve claimed £0 expenses.” 


Last October’s annual ONS survey showed only 12% of Britons trust political parties.  That was before the Gaza war crimes.  Before the Winter Fuel Allowance.  Before ministers told us they need free Taylor Swift tickets to relax, after picking up their £91,366 MP’s salary and £67,505 Ministerial salary.  Imagine struggling to get by on £158,851 a year.


So much in Britain could be fixed.  We have the know-how to build clean infrastructure.  We know how to build warm homes.  Treat mental ill health.  Train teachers and train drivers and medical staff. 


We also have the money.  It’s just in the wrong place.  We’re paying a fortune to hedge funds that own our utilities, NHS, and outsourced council services.  That money could pay for Britain’s renewal. 


The book Act Now has the economic modelling that shows this works.  The polling showing the majority of Britons want this.    


The missing ingredient is political will.  


We need a political movement that upholds the Nolan Principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership. 


There is only one reason to set up a new political party.  To win power and change politics. 


I don’t even think we need a ‘left-wing’ party.  If you put truth first, you have to follow evidence.  And if you follow evidence, you will find that austerity doesn’t work.  You will find that trickle down doesn’t work. 

You’ll find amazing truths, like investing in public transport reduces traffic and makes us more productive.  That investing in youth services reduces crime.  That secure, affordable housing enables people to take risks to become more educated or start small businesses.  That utilities run for public good do more good for the public. 


I don’t think wanting an A&E department that sees you in under an hour is left wing.  I liked it when we had hanging baskets in our town centres, you know, before austerity.  I don’t think that’s a Marxist-Leninist position. 


But it will face an onslaught in sections of the media.  As Brazilian priest Helder Camera said, “When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint.  When I asked why the poor had no food, they called me a communist.” 


I’ve been talking to independents MPs, including Jeremy Corbyn, and what people want to build is a grassroots coalition. 


We have to reach people directly.  We have to appeal to the 90% who don’t trust political parties.  If you are waiting for a new ‘party’, this is it. 

Manifestos will be developed by talking to communities.  They’ll also be sense checked by economic modelling.  Citizens’ Assemblies make good decisions. 


Majority is a project of democratic renewal.  It’s based on core values of equality, freedom, and universal human rights.  It has a commitment to plurality – that if we debate in good faith, and weigh evidence, we will come to better decisions. 


The first task of a new movement is to build trust and create a layer of leaders who truly represent their communities. 


Majority will create a space where people can learn and debate politics and economics, policies and values.  Where people can practice campaigning skills, writing, and public speaking without the glare of the public arena.  It has to be enjoyable – or people will simply drift away. 


We’ll support people to get elected, as independents, or part of a progressive alliance.  That will start in council elections, building to Mayoral and Parliamentary elections. 


It will be built from the ground up, by doing the work, and forging alliances.  We’re strong in the North East, and people are coming on board from the Welsh Valleys to the South coast. 


This is it.  It’s happening.  Majority is here and will part of whatever happens next.  The door is open.  It’s time to join. 

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