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  About us

Our mission

Our political system has failed. Grotesque inequality and a dying planet proves it. We exist to rebuild our democratic institutions to serve the interests of the many. We do this by supporting citizens to become activists and activists to become leaders.

Who we are

Majority was born out of a progressive coalition of activists and voters who powered Jamie Driscoll’s recent Independent North East Mayoral campaign. A campaign that raised over £180,000 in small donations, mobilised hundreds of activists across the region and delivered the second largest number of votes for an independent candidate in British political history. The campaign was entirely people-powered. It had no big party infrastructure or big business donors. It brought people together from diverse political backgrounds. It proved that there is a hunger in the North East for a different kind of politics. It showed what can be achieved when we come together, treat each other with respect and fight for a common cause. We fight for the Majority.

What we believe in

Politics is not serving the majority. We are building a movement to correct this. The interconnected crises of inequality, extremism and climate breakdown can only be tackled by progressive policies underpinned by deep democratic consensus. Britain should be run in the interests of the people who do the work; including those in unpaid work, those unable to work, or those retired from a lifetime of work. We will promote:
  1. Common ownership models of key utilities
  2. Fairness and dignity at the heart of employment rights and social welfare
  3. Community Wealth Building within local and regional government
  4. Deliberative democracy – including citizen’s assemblies and greater accountability for elected representatives
  5. Tolerance and respect and opposition to all forms of racism and discrimination
  6. Taxation and spending that prioritizes the wellbeing of the many over the wealth of the few
  7. Environmental policies based on climate science
  8. Peace, justice and upholding universal human rights

How we will change things

Majority will put power back in the hands of the people. We will run a programme of political education events, ranging from reading groups to interactive workshops. We will run a candidate training programme to support a new generation of competent and compassionate political leaders. We will support our members to win elections with free access to campaigning know-how and infrastructure, including vital electoral databases. But it is not just about political leaders. We will nurture growth throughout the movement, whether you want to hone your copywriting skills or gain experience of organising events, whether you want to learn basic graphic design or become a project management master. We will empower members by cutting out unnecessary bureaucracy. We will win power and improve our communities by working together and always searching for the common ground.

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